lunedì 10 aprile 2017

Demographic indicators 2016
On March 6, 2017 Istat released the last demographic indicators estimated for the year 2016. The italian population on January 1, 2017 amounts to 60 million 579 thousand people.  According to these indicators the italian population would have declined by 86,000 units over the previous year.
On January 1 the Italian residents have 44.9-year average, two tenths more than in 2016.

Individuals over 65 are 13.5 million and accounted for 22.3% of the population. A number increased compared to that recorded in 2007, when over 65 were 11.7 million, accounting for 20.1% of the Italian population.

I summarized a variety of information in a single data visualization. This viz was published on Info Data Blog - Il Sole 24 Ore at this link:

Click below and go to the interactive Viz!

Filippo Mastroianni was born on March 14, 1988 in Milan. Data Analyst and Consultant for The Information Lab Italy, approaches the data-driven world from a humanistic background. He graduates with a thesis on Data Journalism and discovered his great passion for Data Visualization. Since 2016 he regularly collaborates with Il Sole 24 Ore. Author of several Viz of the Day, he is currently Tableau Ambassador and Tableau Featured Author.

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